Friday, September 13, 2013

Proton Exora - 4 Star ANCAP Rating..

One of the interesting topics that I think on yesterday is regarding the achievement by Proton Exora in ANCAP crash test. It achieve four star rating on this crash test. As for me, it is indeed a good achievement for Proton as this Product was already been launched in 2009.

However, Australian's Exora does have more safety features compared to the Malaysian version. The Australian version is having two more airbags as well as the ESC. Therefore in a side crash test, the Malaysian version is absolutely cant perform as good as the Australian version's Exora. Hopefully, Proton could equipped our Exora with more airbags as well as the ESC too in the future.

For more information,



P/s Exora is indeed a very good car for a family. Although there are still some realibility issue especially on minor issue, it is still a very good all-round criteria. Good performance by the CFE engine, impressive handling and at a competitive price. Starting from 69 k for CFE standard up until 80k for the premium version. Btw Good Job Proton for this achievement. :)