Sunday, August 26, 2012

5 cars - Forte vs Inspira vs Preve vs Vios vs City

Assalamualaikum wbt and good morning..

I actually have posted in my facebook something regarding about the way of Malaysian getting / surveying a car..Normally people in Malaysia choose a car based on the car budget range and not between the same car segment which is kinda differs to UK or Europe car buyer / review.  For example, Vios and City always been compared with Forte, Inspira and Forte as they are on the same budget range. But the truth, they are on different car segment.

Lower segment car - for better fuel economy, easy to drive and etc
Higher segment car - for better performance, handling , comfort and etc


I have been looking at the new 2013 Kia K3. It is totally amazing. I actually quite impressed with Korean car maker in catching up with the Japanese. Right now, I just only feel reliability is the only point or advantage of my consideration for the Japanese car maker since it is early to say about this on Korean cars. Else for value for money consideration, Korean is the best.



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