Saturday, August 25, 2012

A creative and awesome advertisement by Volvo

Assalamualaikum and good morning,

Been watched an ads yesterday about the new Volkswagen Beetle. Basically it is something like a short story that is associated with the Beetle. Honestly, I think this ads is kind of ads that made just only to fulfill the task in associating with vw beetle..(Just my opinion)

Hopefully one day, our ads made would be more creative something like this video..

I just watched it just now after I check into my email which was sent by Autotrader this morning. At first, I thought the ballerina stunt was just an attempt to break the record while it is actually a video about the Volvo.( That email does not tell anything about the Volvo)

I know it came with a cost, but then why bother to do it if you cant give the best of it.

p/s But still, I cant wait to see the new Beetle..hehe


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