Sunday, July 11, 2010

1 st Post...

OK..This is my first post for this blog..I am quite happy as it always be in my dream to have a blog where I can put n share everything in the automotive world…I already thinking of this since early of this year..However due to lacks of time, I postponed it first. This blog would never be the same like Paultan or MotorTrader or others websites as it focus more on sharing of information like comparison between models, review of products, tips in maintenance n many others things. I made this blog for the reason I would like to see more people who know not just about the car, but the technology behind this like safety, powertrains, transmissions n so on ..Besides, if there is anything u wanna know or ask, do drop by ur question n I’ll try to answer it..Thanx..;)

Happy Motoring from me,
Faiz Hassan

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