Friday, July 16, 2010

Which one is the best fuel for you??

I already planned about this topic for a long tyme..Since I already tried most of them, so I want to give some review of it..It is just my opinion..Some people may not agree with this..but its just my 2 cents…hehe

Every fuel company tried their best in marketing their product. Different fuel companies produce different type n efficiency in petrol due to the additives in the oil..So, I’m gonna discuss which one will give you the best performance experience n the best mileage.(this is mainly with RON95)

So, this is my opinion...
1) Esso n Mobil (ExxonMobil) – Mostly, I just use RON95..They come with great performance n best mileage..Let just say it provides me the bez of both world..
2)Caltex – I tried Techron 95 n what can I say about it??superb performance n pickup even the total mileage drop a bit..(myb I press little more due to fun..hehe)
3)Petronas – Before this, I used their RON 97 product n it is really a good product coz of its performance..But the story change when they launched Primax 95, I felt less pick up n engine sound noisier..It just totally so-so only..(but still, I sometimes support local product lor)
4) BHPetrol- Infinity95 is a good product and they claimed they put double additives in fuel(double additives means less fuel rite??JK..hehe)….But in reality,I just can say the feeling of torquey acceleration is still not on par with Exxonmobil…
5) Shell- Very good brand worldwide but the product of Shell Fuelsave95 is not what I expect..I can feel the underpower feeling very much n engine struggle when going uphill..Not to say the worst mileage I ever had..

The brand i choose~
Esso/ Mobil > Caltex > Petronas /BHPetrol> Shell

This is my review from what I see, I heard n I feel from my family’s cars..

Happy motoring from me,
Faiz Hassan

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